Fortune Cookie Message Archive

Fortune Cookie Quotes:
A cheerful message is on its way to you. (1 comment)
A pleasant surprise is in store for you tonight. (4 comments)
you cant go down the right path with out first discovering the path to go down
To courageously shoulder the responsibility of one's mistake is character. (2 comments)
The joyful energy of the day will have a positive affect on you.
You have a strong desire for a home and your family interests come first. (1 comment)
Dogs have owners, cats have staff. (1 comment)
Be patient: in time, even an egg will walk. (5 comments)
You are not a person who can be ignored. (1 comment)
You always know the right times to be assertive or to simply wait.
Reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body. (1 comment)
Eat something you never tried before.
Your life becomes more and more of an adventure! (1 comment)
You need to live authentically, and you can't ignore that.
Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can. (1 comment)
A well-aimed spear is worth three.
To build a better world, start in your community.
When you can't naturally feel upbeat, it can sometimes help to act a if you did.
May you have great luck. (2 comments)
A kind word will keep someone warm for years.
Nothing in the world is accomplished without passion.
Human invented language to satisfy the need to complain.
Accept what comes to you each day.
A small lucky package is on its way to you soon. (2 comments)
In human endeavor, chance favors the prepared mind.
Do not upset the penguin today. (2 comments)
Don't cry. (1 comment)
The best way to give credit is to give it away. (1 comment)
Anything you do, do it well. The last thing you want is to be sorry for what you didn't do.
It takes more then good memory to have good memories. (1 comment)
Grant yourself a wish this year only you can do it. (1 comment)
love thy neighbour, just don't get caught (3 comments)
You will be selected for a promotion because of your accomplishments. (2 comments)
There are many new opportunities that are being presented to you. (1 comment)
You will inherit a large sum of money. (2 comments)
You will recieve a gift from someone that cares about you.
You are not illiterate. (1 comment)
Love because it is the only true adventure.
You are contemplating some action which will bring credit upon you
Keep true to the dreams of your youth.
Treasure what you have. (1 comment)
The greatest precept is continual awareness. (1 comment)
A new friend helps you break out of an old routine.
I have a dream.... Time to go to bed. (1 comment)
Your skill will accomplish what the force of many cannot.
You will soon be surrounded by good friends and laughter. (2 comments)
The best is yet to come.
It is better to be the hammer then the anvil.
He who climbs a ladder must begin at the first step.
Action speaks nothing, without the Motive. (1 comment)

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